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Inveraray and District claimed their 8th Major Championship victory when they won the 2018 European Championship playing Chesney Copper Pipe Reeds.

Chesney Reeds were played by 9 of the top 10 Grade 1 Pipe bands at the 2018 European Championships. 5 of the top 6 Prize winning Grade 1 bands played either Chesney Pipe Reeds or Chanters and Pipe Reeds. Check them out :

1st Inveraray and District (Chesney Copper Reeds)

2nd Field Marshal Montgomery (Chesney Copper Reeds)

4th St Laurence O'Toole (Chesney Blackwood Chanters & Brass Reeds)

5th Fife Police (Chesney Copper Pipe Reeds)

6th Boghall and Bathgate (Chesney Copper Pipe Reeds)

Here's Inveraray and District's winning performance playing Chesney Copper Pipe Reeds >>

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